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2023 Taiwan Innotech Expo - Future Tech Site Tour


2023 Taiwan Innotech Expo - Future Tech Site Tour

At the 2023 Taiwan Innotech Expo, the spotlight was on three key domains: Aeronautics & Space Technology, the Semiconductor, and the Precision Health Zone. These themed settings embodied visionary concepts, with a specific focus on semiconductor technology designed to elevate vehicle comfort and stability through state-of-the-art advancements. Distinguished government officials attentively absorbed the insights shared by exhibiting companies, reflecting on Taiwan's potential for a more substantial role in these pivotal sectors in the years ahead. The exhibition area was not only inspiring but also thought-provoking, urging contemplation on how Taiwan's technological innovation can pave the way for the future. This expo undeniably provided an invaluable platform for introspection and knowledge exchange.TIE Award organized by the National Science and Technology Council, which attract overseas startups to establish themselves in Taiwan and promote international cooperation.

Coming soon!

Digital Exhibition



