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2023 Taiwan Innotech Expo - Innovation Pilot Pavilion_ Air Purifier - LUFT Mask


2023 Taiwan Innotech Expo - Innovation Pilot Pavilion_ Air Purifier - LUFT Mask

LUFT Mask combines the world's tiniest electrostatic dust collection module with eco-friendly regenerated fabric for a breath of fresh air. Its chic octagonal and curved design isn’t just stylish, but offers five airflow angles for a tailored comfort experience. When laid flat, the octagonal shape cleverly morphs into an infinity symbol, representing its sustainability ethos. With no need for filters, low-energy LED lights, and crafted from 50% PCR eco-plastic and 100% recycled PET fabric, the LUFT Mask is your fashionable choice for a greener planet. 聯絡窗口: 稻穗股份有限公司 宋盈徹(Morgan) RD Director 0937812424/ morgan@luftqi.com 影片來源:國發會亞洲・矽谷計畫執行中心 2023台灣創新技術博覽會

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