Novel photovoltaic-driven electrocatalysis/electrosorption technology for wastewater treatment
Photovoltaic-driven electrocatalysis/electrosorption technology, based on electrochemical processes, is a novel technological approach to remove organics and charged ions from water. Functional electrode materials derived from electrospinning can be served as electrode for electrocatalysis and electrosorption processes. Moreover, by developing an energy-efficient, integrated and modular electrochemical water treatment system, the electrochemical processes could be driven by solar photovoltaic systems. Therefore, the photovoltaic-driven electrochemical technology is expected to be a promising green methodology in water treatment.
Address:No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei 10617, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Using innovative microbial technologies as a high-efficiencyvalued-added total solution for industriallivestock wastewater treatment
Nanomaterial-enabled electrochemical water technology: Capacitive deionization/ intercalation battery
High performance proton exchange membrane fuel cell based on laser processed alloy catalyst technique and metal foam flow field bipolar plate with built-in water-cooling design
High practicality surface modification technology for enhancing hydrogen production via water electrolysis and solid-state hydrogen storage efficiency
Technology maturity:Experiment stage
Exhibiting purpose:Technology transactions、Product promotion、Display of scientific results
Trading preferences:Negotiate by self、Technical license/cooperation
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