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Solvent recycling (solvent collection) system; CLEAN-ACE800 series Continuous Vacuum Distillation Recovery System


Solvent recycling (solvent collection) system; CLEAN-ACE800 series Continuous Vacuum Distillation Recovery System

This specification aims to assist the reduction of waste volumes by operating medium-scale waste solvent recycling and reuse at factories manufacturing coatings, paints, inks, adhesives and other materials. Waste cleaning solvents contain a large amount of resin, which is a solid compound, as well as pigments and dyes and the recovery of solvent is considered extremely difficult. Considering the problems of contaminations in the recent global environment, however, we must look for new methods to resolve such problems and the CA-800 Series continuous vacuum distillation recovery system is one-step ahead of conventional isolation techniques. The waste solvent is directly sucked up from a drum can filled with the waste solvent and fed to a distillation system.
The collected solvent evaporated and distilled under vacuum decompression is continuously collected in a newly installed tank.
The separated condensates, of which the volume is reduced, can be processed as industrial waste.


  • Name:Mai Fujita

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  • Address:2012-44,大角豆、筑波區、茨城縣,305-0043


Other Information

  • Pavilion:Future Tech

  • Affiliated Ministry:Industrial Development Administration,MOEA

  • Application Field:Green Energy & Environment

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  • Technology maturity:Mass production

  • Exhibiting purpose:Product promotion

  • Trading preferences:Negotiate by self





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