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Agricultural machine and Smart Crop Decision System for Greenhouse Asparagus Production


Agricultural machine and Smart Crop Decision System for Greenhouse Asparagus Production

An automated agricultural machine and an intelligent crop production decision-making system are developed for greenhouse asparagus growth monitoring. Automation and energy-saving machinery technologies and Internet of Things/information communication techniques are adopted to achieve the goal of "saving labor and effort" and improve "management technologies". The developed machine and system can greatly improve the quality and quantity of domestic asparagus production, and achieve the dual goals of stabilizing the output and enhancing quality of harvested asparagus.
The developed automated labor-saving machine improves the efficiency of cutting and shredding the mother stems of asparagus. A smart monitoring platform built upon the Internet of Things technology is also established for production management and image identification for asparagus growth. Greenhouse asparagus monitoring data and asparagus growth data are combined to establish an asparagus growth model and an asparagus yield prediction model for Taiwan’s asparagus industry. These models can provide critical production management suggestions to farmers in real time, improve the yields and quality of greenhouse asparagus, and increase farmers' income.
Combined with forward-looking technologies, such as automated labor-saving machinery, Internet of Things technology, machine learning techniques, smart production management methods, the developed asparagus monitoring and decision-making systems for greenhouse asparagus utilize an Internet of Things-based monitoring platform and an image capture system to greatly reduce labor burden in the asparagus production. The developed asparagus production management system and crop growth model can also increase the yield and quality of tender stems, and improve the overall efficiency of the asparagus production.



  • Name:Joe-Air,Jiang

  • Phone:02-3366-5341

  • Address:10617 臺北市羅斯福路四段一號


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  • Pavilion:Future Tech 【2023】Semiconductor block

  • Affiliated Ministry:National Science and Technology Council

  • Application Field:Agriculture

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  • Technology maturity:Experiment stage

  • Exhibiting purpose:Product promotion、Display of scientific results

  • Trading preferences:Technical license/cooperation、Negotiate by self





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