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Innovative vehicle for physical exercise


Innovative vehicle for physical exercise

It is a four-wheel personal vehicle for mature users, who want to prevent the aging issues due to their age. Thanks to the product they can do this by exercises and fun. The product is targeted to senior users and it’s built by them and for them. It’s both, manual and electrical with 3 steps of electric support balance, moreover it could be used as a typical electrical vehicle for effortless ride.


We, as a company decided to ask mature users about their particular needs and expectations than making an assumptions. Asking potential users about the products they are currently using we found which details needs to be focused on:

  • It is a 4-wheeler to improve stability

  • New idea of propulsion by using hands for movement and heels for steering

  • Have modern design which isn’t common in seniors market segment.

  • Could be used both indoor and outdoor.

  • Easy to transport due to detachable elements.

  • Alternative for active leisure.

  • Standing position is an advantage for users with motor leg diseases.


It is supported or powered by electrical engines. Support is divided into three modes which adjusts vehicle to user preferences and possibilities. Additionally it gives an ability to be electrically driven only. Levers measures the force of pressure and CPU calculate the strength of the electric motors support.


Potential application areas:

  • Parks

  • Bike lanes and pavements. Parameters of ride, like maximum speed of the vehicle, could be set to obey local law during manufacturing.

  • Senior Communities

  • As a city tours vehicle.

  • In city sharing system.


Could be considered as an equipment in commercial entity like fitness clubs, senior communities or vehicle sharing and as an end customer purchase for private usage.


  • 姓名:Dr. Peter Mogyorosi

  • 電話:+36309784215

  • 地址:



  • 展館別:未來科技館

  • 所屬代表參展單位:

  • 主要應用領域:生活應用

位置 更多資訊


  • 技術成熟度:雛型

  • 展示目的:商機推廣

  • 流通方式:自行洽談

















