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2023 Taiwan Innotech Expo - Innovation Pilot Pavilion_ A.I. Ambassador


2023 Taiwan Innotech Expo - Innovation Pilot Pavilion_ A.I. Ambassador

Asiabots’ A.I. Ambassador is a revolutionary Online-to-Offline A.I. customer service solution to enhance better customer service. Differentiated from the text-based Chatbot, it emphasizes on conversational A.I. and aims to provide instant service through humanised voice. Being able to handle repetitive questions, A.I. Ambassador not only supports employees focus on more complicate task but also maintains consistent quality service. 聯絡窗口: 亞博福爾摩沙有限公司 (Asiabots) 莊心瑋(Emma) 商務開發專員/ Business Development Specialist 0912-887856 / admin.taiwan@asiabots.com 影片來源:國發會亞洲・矽谷計畫執行中心 2023台灣創新技術博覽會

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