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2023 Taiwan Innotech Expo - Innovation Pilot Pavilion_Virtual Space and AI tech-related Solutions


2023 Taiwan Innotech Expo - Innovation Pilot Pavilion_Virtual Space and AI tech-related Solutions

OSENSE Technology focuses on Computer Vision and AI technology. OSENSE was the only Taiwanese company listed on "In Search of the Next Google: 100 Companies that will Change the World" by Nikkei Business and is recognized as one of the top 10 coolest tech startups by NSTC. Our product range includes virtual spaces and AI technology-related solutions. This includes InteMeta, which helps brands create high-quality virtual spaces, and Qubby, which gamifies interactive experiences. We also utilize AI technology to create Virtual Anchors, Virtual Customer Service, and smart sport solutions, seamlessly integrating new technologies into people's daily life experiences. 聯絡窗口: 光禾感知科技股份有限公司(OSENSE Technology co. ltd) 林頌旻/商務拓展部 副總監 (Vincent / Deputy Director) 0986-023067/vincent.lin@osensetech.com 影片來源:國發會亞洲・矽谷計畫執行中心 2023台灣創新技術博覽會

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