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2023 Taiwan Innotech Expo - Innovation Pilot Pavilion_ Air and water joint prevention technology System


2023 Taiwan Innotech Expo - Innovation Pilot Pavilion_ Air and water joint prevention technology System

The "Manufacturing R&D of Air-Water Joint Prevention and Control and Carbon Reduction Technology Integration Platform" which reuse the Waste Heat, through E-MVR (Economic Mechanical Vapor Recompression) to process waste water inspissation and the Sea water dilution by using Maelstrom scroll centrifuge, Bag type dust collector, and extraction scrubbing tower system…etc. to comply with Air Pollution Control Act and regulation requirement. With LCW fiber adsorption technology from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), we be able to recycle these Rare and Precious metals from the Concentrated waste liquid and brine. After evaporative vacuum dryer, only 40% water saturation in waste sludge left and meet the waste water zero discharge.Combine AIoT and Blockchain System integration technology, we be able to resolve the Air and waste water pollution with high economic creation in recycled metal. And Carbon Reduction, Carbon right, and concentrated brines & distilled water recycle business opportunity. 聯絡窗口: 利得儀器股份有限公司 (LE&dER co.,LTD.) 黃日宏/工程師 (HUANG RI HONG/ Engineer) 03-591-9037 0932-467-770 / isaac0121@itri.org.tw 影片來源:國發會亞洲・矽谷計畫執行中心 2023台灣創新技術博覽會

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