Engineering DNA nano-computing devices to track and monitor the prog ression of complex diseases
Our team has developed a groundbreaking technology called "YouSync" t
hat utilizes CRISPR/Cas and yeast mating-type switching to enable compu
tation and storage within living cells. This transformative breakthrough e
mpowers living cells to perform logic operations and store information, gr
eatly enhancing cell detection and disease monitoring precision. The mod
ular design of YouSync allows for logic and memory operations in mamma
lian cells, enabling sequential, time-dependent memory operations and fa
cilitating the study of cell lineages and biological processes in living organ
isms. This contributes to a deeper understanding of cell biology, particular
ly in the early detection and progression of neurodegenerative diseases li
ke ALS and Parkinson's disease. YouSync holds immense potential in biomedicine, drug development, precision medicine, and public health. In ca
ncer care, it offers early disease detection and individualized treatment str
ategies, advancing precision medicine. Furthermore, YouSync provides a p
owerful tool for monitoring epidemics and facilitating early detection, sig
nificantly impacting global public health. Its development is expected to d
rive industrial advancements and generate substantial economic benefits.
One of the unique advantages of YouSync lies in its flexibility and capacity
to integrate complex instructions. By harnessing the inherent biological m
achinery of cells and combining it with programmable features, YouSync o
pens up possibilities for a wide range of applications. It can potentially rev
olutionize the healthcare, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical industries b
y providing real-time, in-vivo monitoring and response capabilities, ultima
tely improving treatment efficiency and effectiveness. This has the potenti
al to yield long-term cost savings by reducing the need for follow-up treat
ments. Additionally, YouSync creates new market opportunities for compa
nies specializing in smart therapeutics and personalized medici
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) was formed in 2021 through the merger of National Yang Ming University and National Chiao Tung University. Located in Hsinchu, Taiwan, NYCU is a leading institution specializing in technology, engineering, medicine, and social sciences. The university is known for its strengths in research and innovation, particularly in areas such as information technology, biomedicine, and artificial intelligence. NYCU fosters interdisciplinary collaboration, global partnerships, and aims to nurture professionals with strong academic foundations and leadership skills to address societal challenges and contribute to technological advancements.
A deep learning-powered novel artificial intelligence algorithm and syste m to assist in the identification of pneumoperitoneum on abdominal com puted tomography
Vesicles comprising lectins expressed on the surface and methods of use thereof to deliver an agent to autophagic and apoptotic cells
Direct Reprogramming of Human Fibroblasts into Retinal Progenitor Cells by Small Molecules to Treat Photoreceptor Degeneration Induced Blindness
Development of novel cannabinoid CB1receptor antagonists with high oral absorption and no central adverse effects for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases
Technology maturity:Experiment stage
Exhibiting purpose:Display of scientific results
Trading preferences:Negotiate by self
Coming soon!