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A image analysis system applied to the detection of the number of graphene layers and method of use thereof


A image analysis system applied to the detection of the number of graphene layers and method of use thereof

Raman can change the intensity of a G-band and change the Raman frequency of a 2D-band.The transmission spectrum is obtained by measuring the transmittance of the layer information.The single-layer graphene has a penetration of 97.7%.Atomic force microscopy can determine the roughness of the surface. In contrast, optical microscopy provides fast imaging speeds that can be used as a quick and intuitive way to visualize the graphite layer and obtain relevant information about multilayer graphene. This creation uses multi-spectral color image reproduction technology and is matched with microscopes, CCDs, and other devices.It can be applied to the rapid detection and identification of low-layer graphene on transparent substrates or other industries (such as yield and quality).


  • Name:鄧宇喬

  • Phone:05-2720411

  • Address:


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  • Pavilion:Innovation Pilot

  • Affiliated Ministry:National Science and Technology Council

  • Application Field:Machinery & System

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  • Technology maturity:Trial production

  • Exhibiting purpose:Technology transactions、Patent transactions、Product promotion、Display of scientific results

  • Trading preferences:Exclusive license/assignment、Negotiate by self





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