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Virtual reality skateboarding training system


Virtual reality skateboarding training system

Balance impairment significantly affects quality of life. Training for balanc
e and neuroplasticity requires task-specific exercises to integrate sensory i

nformation and maintain postural balance. However, existing technologie
s have limitations in challenging multiple sensory systems involved in bala
nce control. To address this, our innovative technology combines virtual re
ality (VR) and skateboard movements, improving rehabilitation for balanc
e disorders.
This technique combines skateboard training with a dual-belt treadmill to
simulate stance and gliding movements. The skateboard is secured on a fi
xed belt while the movable belt adjusts to the user's walking pace. One l
eg is on the skateboard as the "supporting leg," and the other leg is on th
e movable belt as the "moving leg." Safety measures include handrails an
d a suspension system for user safety.
During training, VR scenes simulate various road friction scenarios, like inc
reased speed and icy roads for challenging lateral control. Random obstac
les, such as a small dog or a ball, require quick reactions from users. The vi
rtual scenery adjusts based on walking speed detected by inertial measur
ement units (IMUs). The IMUs on the lower leg measure speed to adjust th
e VR scene, while those connected to the skateboard control its direction f
or obstacle avoidance. Obstacles in the VR scene increase the difficulty of
balance training and provide real-time feedback on distance and scores, k
eeping users engaged.
Balance impairments impact walking, movement, and posture, hindering
daily activities and quality of life. Our technology provides customized trai
ning, tailored to individual abilities, optimizing therapeutic outcomes. By i
ntegrating sensors and technologies, we offer comprehensive evaluation
and diverse therapeutic options for balance abilities. The combination of v
irtual reality and skateboard movements introduces an innovative solutio
n for balance training with immense potential in the m

National Taiwan University



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  • Address:No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei 10617, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


Other Information

  • Pavilion:Future Tech Humanity, Sports Science & Techno-Art FH03

  • Affiliated Ministry:National Science and Technology Council

  • Application Field:Life Application

Location More info
  • Technology maturity:Experiment stage

  • Exhibiting purpose:Display of scientific results

  • Trading preferences:Negotiate by self





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