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Machine Tool and Processing Technology Development for Direct Energy Deposition Method in Metal 3D Printing


Machine Tool and Processing Technology Development for Direct Energy Deposition Method in Metal 3D Printing

Technologies are developed for high quality DED aerospace and mechanical parts. There are two parts:
(1)Machine tool development is achieved through integrating the control of a 5-axis machine tool and a 3 kW continuous high power fiber laser. Human-machine interface is also developed. Powder delivery system and laser head are also considered.
(2)Processing technology development is achieved via optimizing process parameters such as laser power, powder feed rate, laser scanning speed etc. and fabrication path of the process through CAM software to obtain the best quality parts. Optimized Process-structure-properties relationship is available for SUS316 and Inconel 718 materials.
By integrate these two technologies, DED parts with good quality can be made.Technologies are developed for high quality DED aerospace and mechanical parts. There are two parts:
(1)Machine tool development is achieved through integrating the control of a 5-axis machine tool and a 3 kW continuous high power fiber laser. Human-machine interface is also developed. Powder delivery system and laser head are also considered. This feature makes this technology easy to be used.
(2)Processing technology development is achieved via optimizing process parameters such as laser power, powder feed rate, laser scanning speed etc. and fabrication path of the process through CAM software to obtain the best quality parts. This technology makes the quality of DED parts excellent.
By integrate these two technologies, DED parts with good quality can be made and cost effective.Technologies are developed for high quality DED aerospace and mechanical parts.
(1)Machine tool development is achieved through integrating the control of a 5-axis machine tool and a 3 kW continuous high power fiber laser. Human-machine interface is also developed.
(2)Processing technology development is achieved via optimizing process parameters such as laser power, powder feed rate, laser scanning speed etc. and fabrication path of the process through CAM to obtain the best quality parts. Optimized Process-structure-properties relationship is available for SUS316 and Inconel 718 materials.
By integrating these two technologies, DED parts with good quality can be made. DED is suitable for applications such as big material removal process, new material development and complex parts.


  • Name:黃聖杰

  • Phone:06-2757575#62184

  • Address:No.1, Ta-Hsueh Road, Tainan 701, Taiwan.


Other Information

  • Pavilion:Future Tech

  • Affiliated Ministry:National Science and Technology Council

  • Application Field:Materials & Chemical Engineering & Nanotech

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  • Technology maturity:Prototype

  • Exhibiting purpose:Technology transactions、Product promotion、Display of scientific results

  • Trading preferences:Technical license/cooperation





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