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Method for manufacturing an active substance for inducing self-lysis in microalgae cells, active substance obtained therefrom, and method for inducing self-lysis in microalgae cells


Method for manufacturing an active substance for inducing self-lysis in microalgae cells, active substance obtained therefrom, and method for inducing self-lysis in microalgae cells

The present embodiment provides a method for manufacturing an active substance for inducing self-lysis in microalgae cells, including: inoculating a bacterial strain belonging to Bacillus into a culturing medium to culture the Bacillus at least to a stationary phase to a condition in which the bacterial strain belonging to Bacillus aggregates in the bacterial suspension and the bacterial suspension becomes pellucid, performing a vacuum distillation procedure to the bacterial suspension to obtain an active solution, wherein the active solution contains an active substance for inducing self-lysis in microalgae cells.


  • Name:Wen-Chang Lu

  • Phone:03-5918584

  • Address:新竹縣竹東鎮中興路四段195號


Other Information

  • Pavilion:Sustainability

  • Affiliated Ministry:Energy Administration,MOEA

  • Application Field:Green Energy & Environment

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  • Technology maturity:Prototype

  • Exhibiting purpose:Technology transactions、Patent transactions

  • Trading preferences:Technical license/cooperation、Negotiate by self





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