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LysCell® is the autolyzed yeast produced from Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast obtained from molasses ethanol fermentation plants, using a process that stimulates yeast cell breakdown
that which contains over 36% of short-chain peptides and amino acids and rich in nucleotides 6%-7% which are indispensable for the formation of protein molecules, DNA synthesis, and therefore are essential for the proper body functions.

Due to the particular fermentation process, the glutamine present in the cytoplasm becomes more exposed, then making
LysCell® more palatable, improving the flavor of the diet when added. Especially in young animals, improving feed intake is a challenge. LysCell® besides several nutritional characteristics can improve palatability, associating multiple benefits.

Nucleotides are synthesized endogenously, by two biosynthesis pathways. 1. Via “de novo”: CO2, NH3, ribose, aspartate, glycine, glutamine, and formyl are combined, with a high energy cost, to create nucleotides. 2. “Salvage” pathway: the body can synthesize nucleotides with less energy cost as a result of the recycling of bases and free nucleotides, produced in the metabolic degradation of nucleic acid from dead cells and/or that are derived from the diet. Most of all nucleotides are coming from this pathway.

DNA transcript to mRNA. Then mRNA will bind with rRNA protein complex and amino acid are brought to tRNA by genic code to constitute short peptide chain or protein. In different growing phase and stress phase, cell makes Lack of nucleotide, protein synthesis will be stopped up, meaning MUSCLE can’t grow. correspondent response by this mechanism.

LysCell® can provide rich exogenous nucleotides for young animal.



  • Name:許博淳

  • Phone:0921-106-827

  • Address:


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  • Pavilion:Sustainability 【2023】Semiconductor block

  • Affiliated Ministry:Ministry of Agriculture

  • Application Field:Agriculture

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  • Technology maturity:Mass production

  • Exhibiting purpose:Technology transactions、Product promotion、Display of scientific results

  • Trading preferences:Exclusive license/assignment、Technical license/cooperation





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