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Metro-scale Solar Photovoltaic Potential Analysis based on The New Epochal Multiple Spatial Information


Metro-scale Solar Photovoltaic Potential Analysis based on The New Epochal Multiple Spatial Information

Our technique combines the use of LOD2 and TMY3 data and take metropolitan area as the case study. We demonstrated that accurate rooftop solar power potential can be approached for solar power developing evaluation by importing solar irradiation, inclination, shadow covering information based on simulated but accurate building environment. Our technique enables a scientific approach for supporting future solar energy planning and developments.
The technique is contributed by advanced building model simulation and solar irradiance data. Its result would be the background data for both public and private sectors to evaluate the development of solar PV system. Compared with the benchmark of applying 3D solar data, our result is presented in raster with 1m2 scale and excludes all of the unavailable area, which is 30 to 50% of the whole area. With these two proceeding ways, solar power potential in the available place can be investigated pixel by pixel, which is easy and visual.
Our technique can be well applied in the field of industry, official, university, and citizen. It is helpful for solar power related industry to evaluate the developing availability. Based on our result, government can make solar power policy evidentially. Our estimation is similar to the real power output. In the perspective of university, it would be the resource for pursuing further studies, and for citizens, they can identify whether it is available to install individual solar power system on their rooftops.



  • Name:Sin-YiLi

  • Phone:02-3366-4347 分機64347

  • Address:10617 臺北市羅斯福路四段一號


Other Information

  • Pavilion:Future Tech 【2023】Semiconductor block

  • Affiliated Ministry:National Science and Technology Council

  • Application Field:Green Energy & Environment

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  • Technology maturity:Prototype

  • Exhibiting purpose:Product promotion、Display of scientific results

  • Trading preferences:Technical license/cooperation、Negotiate by self





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