Utilizing commercial microbubble cleaning technology to establish hygienic processing of Atemoya
Our prior research demonstrated the effectiveness of microbubble technology in cleaning, disinfecting, and degreasing agricultural products, notably reducing scale insects on pineapples and atemoya (custard apples) while minimizing cross-contamination. Building on this, we developed a "continuous microbubble washing machine" suitable for commercial-scale processing of these fruits. This innovation is currently undergoing commercial trials and is expected to significantly enhance agricultural competitiveness and pave the way for the market expansion of related technologies.
Application of micro-bubble technology to construct a hygienic and quality production process for pineapple
Using novel BPH-resistant rice to establish an Intelligent BPH-monitoring system and efficient BPH resistance screening techniques
Using crop physiological indicators to establish an early water warning system
Improved processing technology for green banana flour and its application in film production
Technology maturity:Trial production
Exhibiting purpose:Display of scientific results
Trading preferences:Negotiate by self
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