SLA Application Service Quality Verification and Interactive Experience
SLA: an accurate description of the service level requirements.
電信技術中心配合國家政策,以支援通訊傳播、資通安全監理及相關技術與產業發展之研究為主要定位,並追求成為「國家級資通訊技術中心」。 中心使命包括:(一)成為政府資通訊政策與技術之智庫(二)成為數位匯流服務之推手(三)成為國家級資通訊驗證中心(四)帶動南台灣資通訊產業發展。
Application of natural language technology to build AI automation to ma nage infectious disease pathogen thematic database
A ship communications light system under human-machine interface control with the capabilities of intelligent identification, high recognition rate, and low power consumption
Applying Machine Learning to User Mobility Type Identification for 5th Generation Mobile Networks
Big Data Analytic Module for Key Interval Definition and Indicator Extraction using Equipment Sensor Profile
Technology maturity:Mass production
Exhibiting purpose:Display of scientific results
Trading preferences:Technical license/cooperation
Coming soon!