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3D Printed Prosthetic Arm using Eye-Tracking and Artificial Intelligence Visual Recognition Technology


3D Printed Prosthetic Arm using Eye-Tracking and Artificial Intelligence Visual Recognition Technology

This work proposes a 3D Printed Prosthetic Arm using Eye-Tracking and Artificial Intelligence Visual Recognition Technology, composed of an AI vision device, AI box, and AI prosthesis. The AI vision device provides a first-person view and the point position through gazing. The AI box uses deep learning object detection technology to infer the type of object at the gaze point in the first-person view and controls the AI prosthesis to change gestures according to the object type to assist amputees to perform appropriate hand movements, including grasp, pick, lift, point and click. The model in the AI box is obtained by the modified YOLOv4. This model can infer 10 types and a total of 25 objects with the accuracy up to 99%.


  • Name:Su, Jian-Ping

  • Phone:06-2533131分機3111

  • Address:


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  • Pavilion:Future Tech Aiot Area

  • Affiliated Ministry:Ministry of Education

  • Application Field:Electronics & Optoelectronics

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  • Technology maturity:Prototype

  • Exhibiting purpose:Display of scientific results

  • Trading preferences:Exclusive license/assignment、Technical license/cooperation、Negotiate by self





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