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Application of Piezoelectric Molybdenum Disulfide Carbon-based Composite Filter in Industrial Wastewater Treatment


Application of Piezoelectric Molybdenum Disulfide Carbon-based Composite Filter in Industrial Wastewater Treatment

This technique produced the carbon-based MoS2 composite piezo-catalytic filter. MoS2 with excellent piezoelectricity was grown on the carbon cloth fibers through the hydrothermal method. The composite filter can effectively decompose a large amount of organic pollutants over 2.5 liters through solely water flow. The piezocatalytic filter remained intact after the strong water flow for several hours, demonstrating its reusability. Moreover, the filter generates no secondary pollutants after the catalytic process, making it promising for industrial wastewater treatment. Based on embedding the piezoelectric MoS2 into fiber membranes, other applications such as piezoelectric disease prevention and biomedical use can be achieved.


  • Name:Hsun-Yen Lin

  • Phone:03-5715131分機33853

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  • Pavilion:Future Tech Semiconductor block

  • Affiliated Ministry:National Science and Technology Council

  • Application Field:Materials & Chemical Engineering & Nanotech

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  • Technology maturity:Prototype

  • Exhibiting purpose:Display of scientific results

  • Trading preferences:Negotiate by self





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