Future Tech

The Future Tech Pavilion (FUTEX), co-organized by NSTC, Academia Sinica, MOE, and MOHW, themed as "Global Tech and Industry tie with Taiwan", gathering cutting-edge research achievements from all over the world.


Future Tech

Recommended Technology

Real-Time Interactive Remote Rendering Platform for Multiuser Mixed Re ality

Remote rendering is a solution for lightweight HMD but still needs to overcome latency issues. This technology was developed at National Central University under the lead of Prof. Chih-Wei Huang. It utilizes server object streaming and real-time pose assistance, nearly eliminating the impact of latency and providing an outstanding user experience. Besides, we propose network traffic optimization techniques to enhance the scalability of the system. This architecture can achieve low latency and support various terminal devices in multi-user, real-time, and mixed reality (MR) scenarios. The pioneering platform combines MR features like multi-user support, real-time interaction, virtual-physical integration, low latency, cross-device compatibility, and remote computation. 3D objects are rendered on the server and streamed as individual videos to user devices for precise placement based on local positioning. This minimizes latency effects, enhancing the user experience and enabling accurate interaction with 3D objects, even in high-latency environments. Advancing hardware drives the need for lightweight, power-efficient, low-latency solutions. This technology, when scaled for cloud and edge computing, becomes crucial for the metaverse and various MR applications. The project collaborates with Jorjin Technologies, utilizing the J7EF glasses for optical experiments and applying the technology to smart spaces. In a rapidly growing market, this technology holds great potential for global market development.

Future Tech | Information & Communications/Machinery & System

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