研發可直接於 FPGA, ASIC 執行的硬體加密演算法, 並與 Intel、AMD 等半導體領導廠商合作,提供硬體的加密方案,達到保護整體系統安全的目的。
Xiphera Ltd. is a Finnish company designing hardware-based security solutions using standardised cryptographic algorithms. We have strong cryptographic expertise, extensive experience in system design, and deep knowledge on reprogrammable logic, enabling us to protect our customers’ critical information and assets. Xiphera’s product portfolio consists of secure and efficient cryptographic Intellectual Property (IP) cores, designed for Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs). Our widely applicable solutions for various end markets offer our customers peace of mind in a dangerous world. Our mission statement is to protect critical systems by designing security directly into hardware.