An automated window cleaner for high-rise buildings
- Robot-like, independent
- Fully computer-controlled
- Advanced machine vision
- High-pressure water
cleaning mechanism.
- Worldwide there are over 85,000 high rise buildings
In addition, there are many lower buildings (estimated by an industry source at 1 million buildings.
- Computerized operation – fully automatic
- Advanced optics quality control
- Mobile and flexible installation
- High speed (>500m²/h), day & night
- Unique cleaning mechanism
- Environmentally friendly - NO detergents
- Low operational costs
- Independent movement - NO tracks required
- CE safety standard approval (EN 1808)
- Dynamic young company
- Selling achieved within 19 months
- Broad, innovative technology; patent protected
- Commercial product made by leading German BMU company
- First product addresses real market need
Short, clear route to sales & profitability