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The technology of transferring sub-quality sweet potato silage as feed resource for lactating cows and goats


The technology of transferring sub-quality sweet potato silage as feed resource for lactating cows and goats

Sweet potato is rich in starch. Following the prosperous development of the sweet potato food market, its sub-quality residue accumulates fast and urgently needs disposal. This study is specially designed to convert sub-quality sweet potato into feed for ruminants. The proper silage preparation methods and proper diet formula for lactating cows and goats were evaluated. Results showed that silage preparation is an economical and feasible method to preserve sub-quality sweet potatoes. Silage from sub-quality sweet potato could substitute the medium amount of corn meal in diets for cows and goats and maintain good milking performance. Conversion of local agricultural and processing by-products not only increases self-produced feed resources and thus enhances feed security, but also cuts down on environmental pressure in handling the waste. Furthermore, the effective conversion stimulates agricultural recycling and reduces carbon emissions.

Taiwan Livestock Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture



  • Name:Geng-Jen Fan

  • Phone:06-5911211#2910

  • Address:No.112, Farm Road, Hsinhua, Tainan 71246, Taiwan R.O.C.


Other Information

  • Pavilion:Sustainability 【2023】Circular & Regenerative Technology SC05

  • Affiliated Ministry:Ministry of Agriculture

  • Application Field:Agriculture

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  • Technology maturity:Mass production

  • Exhibiting purpose:Display of scientific results、Technology transactions

  • Trading preferences:Technical license/cooperation





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