Smart measurement system for advanced PCB with high speed and high frequency requirements Innovative technology for HPC 5G and High Power Filed
MPI proposes a smart PCB inspection solution, which is a robust measurement system using Delta 4.0 launched by Intel for material extraction technology. This solution not only assist material manufacturers to develop low DK/DF environmentally friendly substrates but also monitor high-end PCB process quality using material parameters and big data so that it provide a reference to designer and manufacturer for the failures analysis.
It provides two more features to meet diverse probing pitch and configuration for high speed channels measurement with an adjustable probe, and provide high stability and high repeatability with two independent X, Y, Z, θ precision bearing systems and the optical positioning system.
Name:Alex Wei
Phone:(03)555-1771 #8418
Address:No. 155 Chung-Ho St. Chu-Pei Hsinchu Taiwan
The Intelligent Cloud Platform for the Machinery Industry and on-premise Taiwan Machinery Standard Runtime networking technologies.
High mobility materials, process, stacked channels, and thermal circuit simulation; Ferroelectric X:HfO2 for Negative Capacitance and POC(Proof-of-Concept) Applications; Atomic layer technologies for
The novel technology of high efficiency GaN transistors for high frequency and high power application.
Low Temperature Polycrystalline Silicon Oxide (LTPO) TFT Architecture with Memory-embedded in Pixel for High-resolution and Power-saving Near-eye VR/AR Displays Applications
Technology maturity:Trial production
Exhibiting purpose:Product promotion、Display of scientific results
Trading preferences:Negotiate by self
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