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Development of an Implantable Bioelectronic Platform for the Peripheral Neuromuscular System Regeneration


Development of an Implantable Bioelectronic Platform for the Peripheral Neuromuscular System Regeneration

Peripheral nerve electrical stimulation is currently known to promote peri
pheral nerve nerve regeneration, but its benefits for distal muscles and th
e innervated neuromuscular junction remain unclear. In our published coll
aborative research with researchers in University of California, Los Angeles
(UCLA), it was confirmed that providing nerve electrical stimulation to the
distal end of the damaged nerve can enhance the regeneration of the neu
romuscular junction and restore functional muscle recoveries. Based on th
ese innovative findings, our research team further optimized and swiped v
arious parameters of electrical stimulation to identify a set of optimal para
meters that promote the maintenance of the neuromuscular junction and
acetylcholine recycling, leading to better muscle fiber regeneration and i
mproved functional recovery. This invention provides an optimal combina
tion of nerve electrical stimulation parameters for the peripheral nervous
and muscular systems, offering an enhanced regenerative mechanism and
reduced degeneration at the neuromuscular junction for peripheral nerve
and muscle damage. By integrating the optimized parameters with curren
t preliminary validated implantable wireless electrical stimulation platfor
m of this invention, it enables superior structural and functional recovery
of the damaged neuromuscular system. In the future, this invention holds
potential benefits not only for peripheral nerve injuries but also for

National Cheng Kung University

Academic and research units


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  • Address:No.1, Daxue Rd., East Dist., Tainan City 701, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


Other Information

  • Pavilion:Future Tech Bio-tech, New Drugs & Medical Devices FF32

  • Affiliated Ministry:National Science and Technology Council

  • Application Field:Biotechnology & Medical care

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  • Technology maturity:Experiment stage

  • Exhibiting purpose:Display of scientific results

  • Trading preferences:Negotiate by self





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