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Bionic Organ of Precision Hearing: Deep Learning-Based Neural Network AIoT Approach for Noise Reduction in Next Generation Cochlear Implant


Bionic Organ of Precision Hearing: Deep Learning-Based Neural Network AIoT Approach for Noise Reduction in Next Generation Cochlear Implant

By using AIoT, our team prevents us all (surely old in the future) from self-isolation and dementia due to hearing loss. The performance of cochlear implant (CI) is kept stationary as 50 years ago (when invented) owing to difficulty listening in musical and noisy environment. This can be ascribed to distortion in loudness difference because of limit in microphone, and restricted resolution of electrode in CI. We propose a deep-learning based neural network AIoT approach for noise reduction. This bionic system of precision hearing simulates “cocktail party effect” of brain: to focus on target sound and filter others in noisy environment. We aim to advance next-generation CI and hearing aids to the level of a perfect kind of artificial organ.


  • Name:Ya-Chun Lo

  • Phone:02-2826-4400分機3088

  • Address:


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  • Pavilion:Future Tech Aiot Area

  • Affiliated Ministry:National Science and Technology Council

  • Application Field:Life Application

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  • Technology maturity:Experiment stage

  • Exhibiting purpose:Display of scientific results

  • Trading preferences:Technical license/cooperation、Negotiate by self





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