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Is Ground Truth Always Correct? An Explainable Analytics Ecosystem: Understanding Misjudgments for Enhancing Decision-makings in Medicine and Recommender Systems


Is Ground Truth Always Correct? An Explainable Analytics Ecosystem: Understanding Misjudgments for Enhancing Decision-makings in Medicine and Recommender Systems

TC can identify all positive (e.g., malignant) observations at low ratios of training to testing data, e.g., 1:9 using the Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Original) dataset. Without fine-tuned parameters and random selection, the uncertainty of the methodology is eliminated when using TC. TC would be useful for reducing misjudgments (e.g., diagnostic errors) and avoiding waste of medical resources and legal disputes. On the other hand, a TC-based recommender system can achieve around 50% hit rate of successful recommendation in the online retail dataset. The most import point is that TC do not need profile of customers, and therefore, TC is adequate for the EU’s AI regulation: fairness and privacy.


  • Name:Bai Haoting

  • Phone:05-324580分機5031

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  • Pavilion:Future Tech Aiot Area

  • Affiliated Ministry:National Science and Technology Council

  • Application Field:Life Application

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  • Technology maturity:Trial production

  • Exhibiting purpose:Display of scientific results

  • Trading preferences:Exclusive license/assignment、Technical license/cooperation、Negotiate by self





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