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The Application of Multi-Functional Graphene-Based Materials in Targeti ng Detection, Diagnosis and Therapy


The Application of Multi-Functional Graphene-Based Materials in Targeti ng Detection, Diagnosis and Therapy

Our team has developed biomedical materials primarily based on single-si
zed GQDs, which exhibit the following photoelectric and photochemical p
1. Single-sized QD materials primarily based on graphene, such as GQDs,
N-GQDs, NH2-GQDs and NH2-N-GQDs, effectively generate ROS for PDT
against MDR bacteria and cells upon OPE and TPE.
2. Production of ROS increases with the increase in N content and NH2 gr
oups, while the carboxyl groups decrease, leading to an increase in PDT ef
3. Emission efficiency and QY increase with the increase in N content/NH2
groups;emission regions of the materials are in UV, VIS and NIR regions.
4. GQD materials exhibit excellent two-photon characteristics, including Q
Y, absorption, emission, stability, absolute cross-section, radiative/nonradi
ative decay rate ratio and shortened lifetime.
5. Due to the stable and strong emission of GQDs upon excitations, they c
an serve as highly efficiently imaging probes, especially in 3D space. The il
luminated materials can be used to detect and track the location of the tar
get, achieving high-efficiency therapy and imaging effects with low energ
y and short excitation time.6. When polymer coatings are applied to the surface of GQDs, if carboxyl
groups are reduced from the material surface and the polymer contains O,
N, P, B or S elements, the QDs exhibit the aforementioned excellent two-p
hoton characteristics.
7. By coating GQDs with polymers at the Fc position of antibodies, replaci
ng conventional fluorophores, they can be used as excellent luminescent
materials. The specificity and potency of antibodies can be tested, resultin
g in a multifunctional biomedical probe that is small-scale and cost-effecti
Based on the results, this invention utilizes the highly efficient detection p
robe in conjunction with a femtosecond laser system to observe and dete
ct MDR species in real-time and eliminate them. It develops a multifunctio
nal targeting detection, diagnosis, and treatmen

China Medical University


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  • Address:91,Hsueh-Shih Road, Taichung,404, Taiwan,Republic of China


Other Information

  • Pavilion:Future Tech Bio-tech, New Drugs & Medical Devices FF09

  • Affiliated Ministry:National Science and Technology Council

  • Application Field:Biotechnology & Medical care

Location More info
  • Technology maturity:Experiment stage

  • Exhibiting purpose:Display of scientific results

  • Trading preferences:Negotiate by self





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