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Integrated Method for Improving Production Rate of Biogas Using Lignocellu-losic Depolymerization with Anaerobic Digestion


Integrated Method for Improving Production Rate of Biogas Using Lignocellu-losic Depolymerization with Anaerobic Digestion

An integrated method is provided for improving the production rate of biogas. The method uses lignocellulosic depolymerization with anaerobic digestion. The arrangement and combination of the structure and composition of a lig-nocellulosic material are destroyed through a pretreatment of acid-catalytic steam explosion or steam explosion depolymerization. The period of anaerobic digestion is shortened and biogas production is enhanced. The present inven-tion effectively improves the biogas conversion yield of the lignocellulosic ma-terial. Through the depolymerization pretreatment under a specific pH and operation condition, the lignocellulosic material (e.g. residual agroforestry bi-omass, energy crop, etc.) is converted into a depolymerized material. Then, biogas is produced through anaerobic digestion as a source of gaseous fuel supplied for biomass power or transportation fuel.


  • Name:歐宗茂

  • Phone:03-4711400分機5061

  • Address:


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  • Pavilion:Sustainability

  • Affiliated Ministry:National Atomic Research Institute

  • Application Field:Green Energy & Environment

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  • Technology maturity:Experiment stage

  • Exhibiting purpose:Technology transactions

  • Trading preferences:Negotiate by self





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