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Application of The Advanced Carbon Fiber in Delta Robot


Application of The Advanced Carbon Fiber in Delta Robot

The vibration and long attenuation time problems caused by the back and forth high-speed motion of the delta robot can be reduced by using the technology including the advanced lightweight carbon fiber composite material(T1000) and nano-damping diaphragm materials developed by the Industrial Technology Research Institute. The grab interval was decreased from 2 sec/round to 1 sec/round, which can be considered as the production line efficiency was increased by 50%. At the same time the energy consumption of the motor drive is reduced to save energy.
1. The energy consumption of improving the mechanical performance to T-1000 grade is relatively low.
2. The conflicting constraints of high damping and stiffness were solved.
3. The damping properties of the developed carbon fiber robot arm can be significantly improved.

Industrial Technology Research Institute

ITRI is a world-leading applied technology research institute with more than 6,000 outstanding employees. Its mission is to drive industrial development, create economic value, and enhance social well-being through technology R&D. Founded in 1973, it pioneered in IC development and started to nurture new tech ventures and deliver its R&D results to industries. ITRI has set up and incubated companies such as TSMC, UMC, Taiwan Mask Corp., Epistar Corp., Mirle Automation Corp., and Taiwan Biomaterial Co.


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  • Address:195, Sec. 4, Chung Hsing Rd., Chutung, Hsinchu, Taiwan 31040, R.O.C.


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  • Pavilion:Innovation Pilot Discovering Technology Treasures IA27

  • Affiliated Ministry:Department of Industrial Technology,MOEA

  • Application Field:Materials & Chemical Engineering & Nanotech

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  • Technology maturity:Prototype

  • Exhibiting purpose:Product promotion、Technology transactions

  • Trading preferences:Technical license/cooperation、Negotiate by self





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