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Transmitter and methods for frequency partitioning and parameter determing of cognitive frequency-hopping system


Transmitter and methods for frequency partitioning and parameter determing of cognitive frequency-hopping system

A frequency partitioning method of cognitive frequency-hopping system is disclosed, including the following steps. At least an occupied legacy signal is sensed. A plurality of usable sub-bands, which excludes the occupied legacy signal, are recognized. Each sub-band is divided into a plurality of frequency slots. The frequency slots are for frequency-hopping.A frequency partitioning method of cognitive frequency-hopping system is disclosed, including the following steps. At least an occupied legacy signal is sensed. A plurality of usable sub-bands, which excludes the occupied legacy signal, are recognized. Each sub-band is divided into a plurality of frequency slots. The frequency slots are for frequency-hopping.
The Bluetooth system specification V3.0 proposes an adaptive frequency hopping method. The basic idea is to divide the entire spectrum equally. However, such a method will waste part of the spectrum, and there is room for improvement in the efficiency of the use of the spectrum. The cognitive frequency hopping system mentioned in this patent is aimed at this shortcoming and improves the efficiency of the use of the spectrum.A frequency partitioning method of cognitive frequency-hopping system is disclosed, including the following steps. At least an occupied legacy signal is sensed. A plurality of usable sub-bands, which excludes the occupied legacy signal, are recognized. Each sub-band is divided into a plurality of frequency slots. The frequency slots are for frequency-hopping. The Bluetooth system specification V3.0 proposes an adaptive frequency hopping method. The basic idea is to divide the entire spectrum equally. However, such a method will waste part of the spectrum, and there is room for improvement in the efficiency of the use of the spectrum. The cognitive frequency hopping system mentioned in this patent is aimed at this shortcoming and improves the efficiency of the use of the spectrum.


  • Name:熊大為

  • Phone:04-7232105#8340

  • Address:No.1, Jin-De Road, Changhua City


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  • Pavilion:Future Tech

  • Affiliated Ministry:National Science and Technology Council

  • Application Field:Electronics & Optoelectronics

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  • Technology maturity:Experiment stage

  • Exhibiting purpose:Patent transactions、Product promotion、Display of scientific results

  • Trading preferences:Exclusive license/assignment、Negotiate by self





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