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XTS112 Close-10 Fight Rifle Sight, XTS112 Aiming Laser for Rifle and XTS112 Red Dot Sight


XTS112 Close-10 Fight Rifle Sight, XTS112 Aiming Laser for Rifle and XTS112 Red Dot Sight

XTS112 Close-in Fight Rifle
XTS112 Close-in Fight Rifle Sight features a wide7-degree observation angle, which facilitates target detection and search. The exit pupil design of 8mm allows the user to aim quickly. The right side of the device includes an LED lighting module with 12-stage brightness adjustment. This provides enabling fast and accurate strikes on the battlefield in various environments and backgrounds.

XTS112 Aiming Laser for Rifle
XTS112 Aiming Laser for Rifle is equipped with a powerful illuminator, which features a zoom function, and the ability of laser aiming. It allows the shooter to aim quickly and accurately at targets during both day and night operations.

XTS112 Red Dot Sight
The principle of optical reflection is used to project the aiming point directly into the shooter's eye, enabling rapid and precise shooting in close combat and effectively enhancing combat effectiveness.

401st Plant, Materiel Production Center, Armaments Bureau, MND



  • Name:Huang Siou-Cheng

  • Phone:0985256905

  • Address:No.40,Jingwu Rd.,East Dist.,Taichung City401007,Taiwan(R.O.C.)


Other Information

  • Pavilion:Innovation Pilot Smart Mobility IB08

  • Affiliated Ministry:Ministry of National Defense

  • Application Field:Electronics & Optoelectronics

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  • Technology maturity:Prototype

  • Exhibiting purpose:Display of scientific results

  • Trading preferences:Negotiate by self





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