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Multiplexed barcode bead platform for serology detections


Multiplexed barcode bead platform for serology detections

We developed the "Barcode Microbead Fluorescent Immunoassay Syste
m," a high-throughput immune detection platform for disease detection a
nd drug development. Our team comprises experts in various fields, maki
ng our technology commercially viable. Previous serological detection me
thods faced challenges with expensive equipment, specialized researcher
s, and the need for more automation. We integrated micro-nano fabricati
on, chemical surface treatment, optical systems, and image processing to
address these limitations to create our design.
We used micro-nano fabrication to produce two-dimensional edge-coded
microbeads coated with magnetic iron oxide. These microbeads can detec
t multiple targets simultaneously using visible light and possess surface pr
operties that allow specific proteins to be immobilized for antibody reacti
ons. Labeled fluorescent secondary antibodies were employed for detecti
on. Our automated system, developed with a manufacturing partner, utiliz
es a modified ELISA reader integrated into a 96-well plate to conduct visib
le light and fluorescence readings. Within 30 seconds, it identifies each ba
rcode microbead's identity and fluorescence value, providing data on ser
um antibody reactions.
The core technologies of the Barcode Microbead System include micro-na
no fabrication, chemical surface treatment, optical systems, and image pr
ocessing. These technologies enable the manufacture of microbeads with
two-dimensional edge codes and magnetic iron oxide coating, facilitating
multi-target detection and automated analysis through visible light and fl
uorescence reading. With its high throughput, automation, and multi-targ
eting capabilities, our immune detection platform has significant commer
cial potential.

National Cheng Kung University

Academic and research units


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  • Address:No.1, Daxue Rd., East Dist., Tainan City 701, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


Other Information

  • Pavilion:Future Tech Bio-tech, New Drugs & Medical Devices FF15

  • Affiliated Ministry:National Science and Technology Council

  • Application Field:Biotechnology & Medical care

Location More info
  • Technology maturity:Experiment stage

  • Exhibiting purpose:Display of scientific results

  • Trading preferences:Negotiate by self





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