This chip achieves integrated functions for microfluidic operations, temp control, and capacitive sensing. Compared to PCB devices, this chip can integrate with systems through software, automatically sensing conditions and flexibly generating and manipulating different patterns according to various objectives, thus lowering the operational threshold. The device is small in size and low in cost ($0.1 per chip) and has already been practically applied in bio-detection experiments such as LAMP.
Ultra-Weak Light Imaging Technology: Wearable Goggles for Capturing I nvisible Signals
Multimodal nonlinear optical microscopy platform for the identification of artificial bone materials
Low Temperature Polycrystalline Silicon Oxide (LTPO) TFT Architecture with Memory-embedded in Pixel for High-resolution and Power-saving Near-eye VR/AR Displays Applications
Energy-Efficient Optimization Problem Decision: Neural Network-based In-Memory Annealing Units for Route Scheduling and Genome Assembly
Technology maturity:Trial production
Exhibiting purpose:Display of scientific results
Trading preferences:Negotiate by self
Coming soon!