Development for Advanced High-Density Monolithic Three Dimensional Integrated Circuits with Multi-stacked Transistor Layers
The aim of this project is to develop Advanced High-Density Monolithic Three Dimensional Integrated Circuits with Multi-stacked Transistor Layers by integrating three layers of high-performance stacked transistors and extending them to the circuit design of application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs). The research contents include the developments of novel semiconductor materials, high-performance GAAFET devices, the device model establishment, and circuit designs for ASICs. Based on the device models of three-layer stacked transistors, the driver IC design of augmented reality telescopes with image sensors and micro-LED display circuits is realized to demonstrate the technology feasibility of the proposed M3D-ICs.
Beyond Silicon: Advanced Two-Dimensional Semiconductor Transistor Technologies
1.5-MHz High-Performance 380-V/12-V LLC Resonant Converters with Quarter-Turn Transformer Optimization
A Low-cost, Low-power, and High-speed “Dielectric-fuse Breakdown OTP” (dFuse OTP) Fully Integrated on CMOS Platform without Additional Masks
Self-Developed Monolithic Thermal Imaging Metalens with Achromatic and Aberration-Free Design
Technology maturity:Experiment stage
Exhibiting purpose:Display of scientific results
Trading preferences:Exclusive license/assignment、Technical license/cooperation、Negotiate by self
Coming soon!